When will we escape the prison of work?

Ending the 40-hour workweek

4 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Because your position is exempt from overtime pay, your salary will compensate you for all hours worked.

-Standard employment agreement

Through a glass, sharply

I don’t know what he thought about me. He never looked through the aquarium glass.

“That’s the life,” I thought to myself. “Be outside all day, have a sense of accomplishment, no one around telling you what to do or how to do it, no phone calls, no IM, no email.”

I kept on thinking how much I’d love to trade places with him. How I was tired of building PnL reports, reading about another boring power plant, handicapping regional cap-and-trade policies, and debating second-order greeks with risk managers (read: people highly paid to make sure that we weren’t cheating the house).

In short, how I was wasting my life.

Seven stories above Broadway, I went back to trading.

He kept cleaning windows.

One-upping Faust

We all have times where we’re tired of working. It’s part of the human condition.

Labor laws are well intentioned, but they often have unintended effects. The…




Not Siri. Sri (shree'). Navy SEAL, podcaster, machine learning, father. Trying to understand jazz. Trying to find huevos rancheros.