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Become an idea machine in three steps
Countless others had gotten in tubs before Archimedes, just like countless others had seen apples fall from trees before Newton.
In a recent episode of my podcast, The Warrior Poet, we discuss a lot of things. Crazy things. Like being sentenced to 7 years of your brain being put inside a whale’s body. And in-vivo virus detection machines. [1]
These ideas push the bounds of what we take for granted — because taking things for granted is the biggest obstacle to coming up with ideas that actually matter.
There’s this guy I know who takes nothing for granted. His name is Archimedes.
Supposedly Archimedes went running through the streets naked when he discovered a solution to a problem he was charged to solve by the king. The problem, determining if a supposedly gold crown was impure or not without melting it, was deemed by many others impossible to solve. Archimedes was only 22 at the time. [2]
“Eureka” means “I have found it.”
But… how did Archimedes “find it” exactly? We’re not talking about him seeing his bathtub…